
Neural Control of Movement: 3) Project

Create a product (animated,cartoon,movie,creative short story,comic,etc) that explains how each of the following key ideas allows or is part of a specific movement of your choice. The following are not in any order and in fact, all of them but particularly the first 7 topics, are very much interrelated. Grading will be: 3 pts/each topic for content, 1 pt/each topic for a visual diagram, 5pts total for visual/mechanics for a total score out of 37 pts.

  • CNS & PNS (how they communicate/work together to allow movement(reflex arc))
  • Depolarization (of neuron cell membrane/cell body)
  • Neuromuscular junction
  • Neurotransmitters (specifically ACh)
  • Twitch characteristics (fast vs. slow twitch)
  • Muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs (keep this general)
  • Neuromuscular fatigue
  • Motor Unit/Neural Plasticity

Neural Control of Movement: 2) Big PIcture

The ability of any motor task depends on more than a muscle simply contracting. Coordinated movement is largely based on the number and type of neural activation to the skeletal muscle. Once a group of fibers are activated, there must also be a constant method of adapting to the changes in the internal and external environments.
Explain what this all means to you in a comment on this post.

Neural Control of Movement: 1) Intro

Open up a word doc about the nervous system in the shared server in my folder. Choose one of the topics, read the article(s), research it further/more in depth, and post a comment here that contains 1)title/topic 2)summary 3)how it's relavent to someone's "real" life


Test: Muscular System

The following is what you should know:

  1. Sliding filament theory & Excitation-Contraction Coupling
  2. Muscle Fatigue (what causes it)
  3. Causes of muscle soreness/DOMS (& how relates to steroids)
  4. Temperature & dehydration relates to muscle