
Sports Nutrition

Get an idea as to what to what you should be eating throughout the day, right before a practice/game/meet, during, and afterwards. The textbooks (general "Exercise Physiology/Science") will be the most help as well as the following sites which may provide additional sources that you may wish to search on your own (suggest to use Google Scholar).
Glycemic Index
Swimming nutrition
Effects of swimming on appetite
Nutritional Supplements
Eating behaviors of high school baseball players
Milk vs. soy protein
International society of nutritionists: caffeine
Pediatric sports nutrition
High school athletes and food
Collegiate athlete nutrition w/ case studies
Various articles from Training&Conditioning journal


Training/Injury: Functional Assessment of Movement

You will perform at least 3 different functional movement tests on a classmate (or yourself if pictures can be taken) to test and analyze their/your movement imbalances. For this project you will be required to do the following:
  1. perform at least 3 tests
  2. take pictures of each of the tests (include both their imbalances and the proper way for a total of 6 pictures)
  3. for ONE of the tests, outline what the subjects weakness(es) would be while playing/performing a specific sport movement and thus what injuries they may be more prone to get
  4. For the one test/movement from #3, provide a sample strength exercise routine for that the subject should perform in order to improve on their weakness

You will put all of the above information into a P.Point which you will present to the class.

In addition to the Athletic Therapy Today journals in the classroom, there are articles printed outlining some of the screening methods. Be sure to use caution when using the web.


Periodization Training Program

Use the following resources to help you accomplish your goal of creating a yearly training program:
  1. Journals and articles in the classroom
  2. Journal of Strength & Conditioning
  3. Some concepts & misconceptions
  4. PerformBetter basics
  5. General model to follow
  6. Rhino Fitness basics
  7. Wikipedia
  8. Trifuel basics
  9. Fitness corner basics
  10. In a high school setting
  11. Hillrunner basics


Neural Control of Movement

Create a product (animated,cartoon,movie,creative short story,comic,etc) that explains how each of the following key ideas allows, or is part of, a specific movement of your choice. The following are not in any order and in fact, all of them are very much interrelated. Grading will be: 3 pts/each topic for content, 1 pt/each topic for a visual diagram, plus 3 pts. For the studies for a total of 27 pts.
  • CNS & PNS (how they communicate/work together to allow movement(components of reflex arc))
  • Motor unit’s (all components) role in movement
  • Twitch characteristics (fast vs. slow twitch) specific to motor units
  • Motor Unit plasticity/recruitment
  • Neuromuscular fatigue
  • How the quality of movement is influenced by motivation/emotion
  • (include 3 studies that relate to any of the information in your product)


Muscle cells getting faster & stronger

How do you make muscles stronger, faster, or have more endurace? Complete the following assignment:
  • Actions/activities you do to improve
  • Include the physiological adaptions that actually allowed the cells to improve (example: # of mitochondria) or in other words...scuba dive don't snorkle
  • Cite information from at least 2 studies, 2 articles, and 2 textbooks (cite properly within as well as with a works sited section at end)
  • may be in any format (essay, PPoint, movie,etc.)