
Ex Phys MultiMedia: Meeting Mintues

Each time the class meets, the mintues will be recorded as a new comment. The following information should be recorded during each meeting:
Members Present:
Meeting Summary:



You as a class need to come up with a general layout for your magazine. What Topics/Sections do you want to include. For example, do you want a "Latest News" section?


What should we do?

We as a class need to work together and figure out what to do. We will be in this room for most of our classes and need to agree on a format for portraying class information. For example, do you want to create a class online textbook or magazine that contains text, pictures, videos, movies, links that you create (see the TIME website as an example)? Your first assignment is to discuss where you want to go with this. Create a comment from this post on some ideas.


Study Questions (3.22.07 exam)

•What are the major purposes of the CV sys.
•Outline the design of the heart. Why is it often called “two pumps in one?”
•Outline the cardiac cycle and the associated electrical activity recorded via the electrocardiogram
•Significance of the SA node (rest & exercise)
•Explain BP and why it is something that is measured
•What factors determine blood flow during exercise?
•Outline CV disease including stress proteins role
•Explain immediate and long-term effects of training on the CV system


Neural Control

Choose a recent article published in the past year to read/watch/listen to. You are required to create a Podcast and publish it in your class Wiki (how to create & publish a Podcast). You will be required to lead a class discussion on your topic, the following website provides tips on how to lead a discussion. Note: you are not leading a discussion on only one article, you are leading a discussion on a topic. Be sure to do a lot of research from various sources.

Possible websites to view articles include but are not limited to:
RSS feed (username: pcerny@nwcsd.org, password: student)
New York Times
Scientific America

Due Date: Wed. Feb. 28

NOTE: once you choose a topic, please post your topic and a short description on your class wiki page.