
ExPhys & EP8MM: Section 2 Bio-chem link

Each student will choose an athletic movement/some aspect of athletics or rehab and explain how it relates to an aspect of chemistry. You will be required to present it to the class. The mode of which you choose to use to teach is entirely up to you (from PowerPoint, poster, write on board, webpage, etc)

Topics include (but are not limited to):
Bonds/breaking of bonds
Ventilatory buffers
Chemical buffer
Passive transport (diffusion & osmosis)


EP & EP8MM: Section1: Intro assignment

Your assignment will be to research the questions below and to publish your findings for the general public to view (see below for final product examples). The following is the minimum amount of information to be covered, you may include additional information that you may find useful.
1.What is Exercise Physiology/Science? Summarize topics learned
2.What are a few of the local Colleges/Universities that offer degrees in Exercise Physiology/Science (EP/S)? How many years for BS/MS?
3. What are some of the courses you would be taking in order to obtain a degree in EP/S? List and briefly describe at least 3.
4. What are at least 5 jobs/careers you could do with a degree in EP/S?
5. A degree in EP does not necessarily mean you must become an Exercise Physiologist. What are five other careers that you could go into with a degree in Exercise Physiology?
6. From your list of five careers, choose one that interests you and answer the following questions about it:
7. What additional classes/coursework/internship/clinical may you have to do? Is there a accreditation exam?
8. What is an average salary for this occupation?
9. Describe what a typical day would be for your chosen occupation.
10. Additional information
Final product examples:
· Professional poster (avoid comics, fancy letters, etc.)
· PowerPoint (printed 6/page and handed in)
· PowerPoint (uploaded to slideshare.net and downloaded into personal blog)
· Blog posting
· Page in your new website to replace blog? (weebly.com)
· Presentation to class
· Video/movie burned or uploaded into TeacherTube and embedded in blog
· Other as approved by instructor
Grades will be given by your instructor and will be based on two factors:
· 20 points content
· 10 points product (see rubric)


EP8MM: Website hosting

The following are possible websites that you may wish to use. Take time to look at examples and/or quickly create one to see if you like it:


Templates that may be added to a website:

EP8MM: What should we do?

You as a class need to decide "our" format to present information throughout the year. For example, do you want to have one class "magazine/website" or a few different ones? Do you wish to hook up with the school website and and not create your own? What about creating informational DVD's to give out to students or to the community? Maybe you can think of a way/format that hasn't even been done anywhere on the internet before. Think about what you would like to try and post a comment below (as "anonomyous")